Based at Warmhill Wood, Warmhill Nursery is our small but thriving tree nursery selling native trees in Herefordshire. Every year, bare root stock is potted up in the spring for sale as containerised trees throughout the summer months.

Native Trees in Herefordshire

Nursery-TreesNATIVE TREES (mostly).

Warmhill is also home to our small but thriving tree nursery. Every year, bare root stock is potted up in the spring for sale as containerised trees throughout the summer months.

The majority of our trees are native varieties  Birch, Wild Cherry, Beech, Oak, Rowan and Field Maple to name a few.

Broadleaf Species

Sizes are from less than a metre in height up to 3 or 4 metres. Pot sizes vary from 3 Litre to 45 Litre.

We also have a number of non-native varieties  and ‘curios’ at Warmhill Nursery – anything from Laurel for hedging to Gingko and Walnut, Himalayan Birch and Coast Redwood.

Ready to plant

During the winter months, we are able to supply bare-root stock.

Visits to the nursery can be arranged by appointment. The pricing guide below lists species we grow with indicative prices according to size and pot size.

You can contact us through the contact page where you can send us a message or you can also use the local Ross-on-Wye phone number. +44 (0)198 951 2772

Species Name Pot size Indicative price
(depending on height)
Abies Nordmanii Nordman Fir 10 L £15.00
Acer campestre Field Maple 7.5L £12,50
Acer platanoides Norway Maple 35L £60.00
Araucaria arcana Monkey Puzzle 7.5L £25.00
Betula pendula Silver Birch 15L £30.00
Betula jacquemontii Himalayan Birch 35L £180.00
Carpinus betulus Hornbeam 15L £48.00
Castanea sativa Sweet Chestnut 5L £12.50
Fagus sylvatica Beech 10-25L £15.00/£48.00
Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Copper beech 10-25L £25.00/£50.00
Gingko biloba Maidenhair tree 25L £60.00
Juglans regia Walnut 10L £30.00
Larix decidua Larch 3L £12.50
Populus tremula Aspen 15L £30.00
Prunus avium Wild Cherry 15L £30.00
Prunus padus Bird Cherry 15L £30.00
Prunus laurocerasus Cherry Laurel 3L £6.00
Prunus laurocerasus Laurel 15L £24.00
Quercus ilex Holm Oak 7.5L £28.00
Quercus robur Oak 15L £40.00
Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 3L/10L £15.00/£40.00
Sorbus aucuparia Rowan 15L £25.00
Taxus baccata Yew 3l/15L £7.50/£30.00
Ulmus glabra Field Elm 15L £35.00

Native Trees in Herefordshire at Warmhill Nursery

Generally our trees are native varieties such as Birch, Wild Cherry, Beech, Oak, Rowan and Field Maple to name a few.

Sizes are from less than a metre in height up to 3 or 4 metres. Pot sizes vary from 3 Litre to 45 Litre.

We also have a number of non-native varieties and ‘curios’ – anything from Laurel for hedging to Gingko and Walnut, Himalayan Birch and Coast Redwood.

During the winter months, we are also able to supply bare-root stock.

Visits to Warmhill Nursery can certainly be arranged by appointment. The pricing guide below lists species we grow with indicative prices according to size and pot size.

The Apse House

Made solely with timber grown and harvested in our own woodland, The Apse is undeniably our prize project.

Apse – a term for a domed or arched recess in a church – and therefore inspired this design of collared arches.

We make the main structure from Larch, with mortis and then tenon joints held with hardwood pegs.

Additionally, the floor is Sweet Chestnut and the roof reed thatch, carried out by a local master thatcher.

The design is adaptable because you can use it as a stand-alone structure, a wedding venue or garden focal point. Or likewise how about a stylish extension or garden room for a house.

Deepdean Design

Altogether, a mixed species woodland covering 38 hectares. Situated 3 miles south of Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire, lying on the edge of the Forest of Dean. Generally, much of our work is to especially enhance the natural health of the woodland and eco-system. Associated with Warmhill Wood, Deepdean Design specialises in design and build of bespoke timber structures. We specifically use our own timber grown at Warmhill wood.
We will design and adapt bespoke structures to any setting or existing building, large or small. With roofs in thatch, tile, Chestnut shingle e.g.
Meanwhile, our prize project “The Apse House” is now on display at the celebrated Leaf Creative garden centre.
The Tree Nursery at Warmhill Wood raises broad leaf species for sale and our own re-planting. Every year, we pot up bare root stock in the spring and then sell them as containerised trees throughout the summer months.
Also within the woodland, the original forestry shed has recently been refurbished and expanded. The space is also available for Deepdean Design woodland craft workshops and woodcraft courses.